April 22, 2011


Fables - explanation
A fable sets out to teach the reader or listener a lesson they should learn about life. The narrative drives towards the closing moral statement, the fable’s theme: the early bird gets the worm, where there’s a will there’s a way, work hard and always plan ahead for lean times, charity is a virtue.

Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales - explanation
Fairy tales were originally intended for adults and children. They were passed down orally to amuse and to convey cultural information that influences behaviour, such as where it is safe to travel and where it is dangerous to go. 


Legends - explanation
To provide information about the way particular people lived, and what they believed. Legends also help us to reflect on our own lives because they often deal with issues that are cross-cultural and relevant today. 


Myths - explanation
To provide a fictional explanation for natural phenomena. Many cultures use myths to explain the world and its mysteries by handing them down from one generation to the next generation. Myths can also pass on cultural, religious or spiritual beliefs and traditions.

April 20, 2011

A Wolf and A Lamb

A Wolf And A Lamb
   A wolf was once drinking at the head of a running stream. When he looked up, he saw a little lamb just coming to drink a little water down the stream. The wolf made up his mind to capture the lamb for dinner. 
   "But how can I find an excuse to do so?"