What is Narrative Text?

The purpose of Narrative text is to entertain/amuse the readers/listeners.
but, the detailed purpose may vary according to genre. For example, the purpose of a myth is often to explain a natural phenomenon and a legend is often intended to pass on cultural traditions or beliefs. 

The structure of this text type is:
  • Orientation: Sets the scene and introduces the participants.
  • Complication: A crisis arises.
  • Resolution: The crisis is resolved, for better or worse. 
  • Reorientation (optional): The change which happens to the participants and the lessons we can learn from the story.
The grammatical features of a narrative text are:
  • Use specific nouns, example: Romulus, Remus, a mother wolf;
  • Use adjectives which form noun phrases, ex: their wicked uncle;
  • Use time connectives and conjunctions, ex: then, before that, soon;
  • Use adverbs and adverbial phrases, ex: to the river bank;
  • Use action verbs, ex: grabbed, picked up;
  • Use saying verbs, ex: said, told, promised. 
Commonly narrative text is found in story book;
  1. Myths (click to learn more)
  2. Legends (click to learn more)
  3. Fairy Tales (click to learn more)
  4. Fables (click to learn more)

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