March 22, 2013

Audio Listening File

To all of my beloved schoolmates.

I have uploaded the audio files of listening section of the book:
"Strategi Khusus Menghadapi Ujian Nasional SMA/MA. Jawa Tengah: Viva Pakarindo" which my friend got from our english teacher.
You may use it to improve your english listening skill since we will face the National Examination (UN) soon.
Please share with others, too, and use it wisely.

Just click the link and download what you need.
LATIHAN UN SMA 2012-2013 (listening section)

  1. Latihan 1
  2. Latihan 2
  3. Try Out 1
  4. Try Out 2
  5. Try Out 3
  6. Try Out 4
  7. Prediksi 1
  8. Prediksi 2
  9. Prediksi 3
  10. Prediksi 4
Good luck!


Dimaz Novian S said...

kok beda ya sma buku saya listeningnya ?

Dimaz Novian S said...

butuh yg 2013/2014